On Monday, President Donald J. Trump hosted Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India at the White House. The meeting reinforced the close ties between the United States and India, and the two leaders resolved to expand and deepen the relationship and strategic partnership between the countries and to work together to advance common objectives.
President Trump and Prime Minister Modi released joint press statements in the Rose Garden following their meetings. The President described the meetings as “very productive” and declared that the relationship between the two countries has “never been better.” The President applauded Prime Minister Modi for his accomplishments, including the upcoming implementation of the largest tax cut in India’s history. President Trump stated his support for an Indian airline’s recent purchase of 100 Boeing airplanes, bringing the total to 205 planes valued at more than $20 billion, and creating and sustaining 130,000 American jobs in Washington State and elsewhere. The President also described his excitement over the gracious invitation Prime Minister Modi extended to his daughter, Ivanka, to lead the U.S. delegation to the Global Entrepreneurship Summit in India. Finally, the President reaffirmed the importance of the security partnership between the United States and India.
Prime Minister Modi thanked President Trump and the First Lady for the warm welcome he received at the White House, and for the productive and friendly meetings led by the President. He referred to America as India’s “primary partner” and made it clear that India’s best interests lie in a strong and prosperous United States. The Prime Minister described a convergence between his vision of a “New India” and the President’s intention to “Make America Great Again.” Prime Minister Modi concluded by inviting President Trump and his family to visit India.
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