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My Day One: Nuestra Familia (Our Family)

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

June marks Immigrant Heritage Month -- and people across the country are sharing their American stories. Whether you've recently embarked on your first day as an American or want to share how your ancestors came to arrive here, we want to hear from you. Add your voice to the conversation today.

La Frontera

My story starts along the Rio Grande River -- where I grew up in two cities, two countries, two cultures, and one community.

It was on the U.S./Mexico border in Del Rio, Texas across from Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico that I spent the first 18 years of my life. 

The border or “La Frontera,” as we call it, will always be a special place. Whether it was crossing the border into Mexico to visit my tia (aunt) or attending a friend’s quinceañera, our connected border towns were one community. 

The community’s uniqueness and kind-hearted people taught me to embrace my Mexican/American heritage. In this often-misunderstood corner of America, I learned the importance of embracing our nation’s greatness and diversity.

Rio Grande River view of Texas from Boquillas Del Carmen, Mexico, where my grandma on my mother’s side was born.

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