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Invest In Your “Healthy Self” (and Post a #HealthySelfie While You’re At It)

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Today, the Obama administration is launching the “Healthy Self” campaign to encourage healthy lifestyles and connect people to the coverage and care they need. But first let us tell you about Alicia. A wife and mother of two from Houston, Alicia knows how important her health is, not only for her, but for the people she loves. As she describes it, “When mom gets sick, the whole family feels it.”

For years, people like Alicia have been priced out of coverage, but thanks to the Affordable Care Act, she and her husband – along with millions of other Americans – were able to find quality plans they could afford. And Alicia didn’t waste time putting that new coverage to good use. “I went to my general practitioner and gynecologist,” she said. “I finally had all the exams I’d been putting off.” And since breast cancer runs in her family, and she was considered high-risk, she was also gene tested to assess her risk of developing breast cancer at no out-of-pocket cost, as it was a covered preventive service.

“After checking off all of those health to-do’s, I was energized and ready to tackle just about anything,” Alicia said. “It’s a relief for me because, as a mom of two boys, I want to be around for them for a long time.”

137 million Americans are guaranteed access to preventive care services.

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