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Can You Guess What These Charts Are Telling You?

martes, 9 de junio de 2015

Love charts? We’ve pulled together a select batch of them and removed the titles and labels. 

See if you can guess the story each of them tells – then challenge your chart-loving friends to take it, too. We guarantee you’ll learn something that surprises you.

Health Care in America Lockup

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What Am I: Can you guess what these charts are telling you?

Thanks to five years of the Affordable Care Act, health care looks a lot different in America. How different?

Find out by taking this quiz to see if you can figure out exactly what the President’s health care law is doing for millions of Americans across the country.

Begin Quiz

1. What am I?

  • Percentage of people watching Grey’s Anatomy
  • Percentage of Americans without health insurance
  • Number of emergency room visits in the U.S.
  • Total number of sick days used by workers in the U.S.

Well done. In fact, more than 16 million Americans have found an affordable, quality health care plan under the ACA, causing a cliff-like drop in the number of Americans living without the health insurance they need. And that’s a great thing!

Not quite. It’s actually the percentage of Americans without health insurance since 2000. See how it takes a nosedive recently? That’s thanks to the ACA, which became law on March 23, 2010. Under this law, more than 16 million Americans have gained affordable, quality health care coverage, driving our country's uninsured rate to a new low.

Next Question

2. What am I?

  • Projected deficit reduction due to the ACA
  • Projected reduction in number of uninsured Americans
  • Projected reduction in patients harmed by hospital error
  • Projected temperature in Antarctica

Nice one. According to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, the ACA will generate substantial deficit savings that grow over time, for a total savings of $1.7 trillion over two decades. This is important because lower long-term deficits have a domino-effect of higher national income and wages over time.

So close. This chart is actually a look at how much the ACA will reduce the deficit over time. The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office determined that the ACA will generate a total savings of $1.7 trillion for our deficit over two decades. This is important because lower long-term deficits have a domino-effect of higher national income and wages over time.

Next Question

3. What am I?

  • Drop in young adults with health coverage
  • Drop in percent of patients harmed by hospital error
  • Drop in government spending on health care
  • Drop in Americans with health insurance

Right! The Affordable Care Act has helped reduce multiple different kinds of “patient harms,” including adverse drug events, pressure ulcers, infections, and more. The reduction in patient harms has helped prevent an estimated 50,000 deaths.

It’s actually the drop in patients harmed. Surprised? The Affordable Care Act has helped reduce multiple different kinds of “patient harms,” including adverse drug events, pressure ulcers, infections, and more, and the reduction in patient harms has helped prevent an estimated 50,000 deaths.

Next Question

4. What am I?

  • Percent of Americans who like pie charts
  • The first dogs’ approval rating
  • Percent of Marketplace enrollees who receive tax credits to help pay monthly premiums
  • Percent of Americans who visited the emergency room last year

Nailed it. The overwhelming majority of Americans who shopped on health care marketplaces qualified for tax credits, which are helping millions of Americans afford the coverage they need.

Nope! It’s actually the percent of Americans who qualified for tax credits while shopping on health care marketplaces, allowing them to afford the coverage they need.

Next Question

5. What am I?

  • Americans who no longer have lifetime limits
  • People who have access to free preventive services
  • Self-diagnoses on webmd each year
  • People no longer at risk of being denied coverage

Correct! Before the ACA, someone with a pre-existing condition, like cancer, could be denied the coverage they needed. The ACA prohibited that, ensuring that 129 million Americans will always have access to affordable, quality coverage.

Nope. Before the ACA, someone with a pre-existing condition, like cancer, could be denied the coverage they needed. The ACA prohibited that, ensuring that 129 million Americans will always have access to affordable, quality coverage.

Next Question

6. What am I?

  • Number of death panels created under the ACA
  • Number of free preventive services now available
  • Number of young adults who can stay on their parents’ plans
  • Number of women who have access to birth control with no co-pay

Exactly. Zero death panels were created as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

Sorry, but the correct answer is zero death panels. The Affordable Care Act has never created one, nor will it ever.


You got questions correct.

Most people don’t realize exactly what health reform has meant for millions of Americans. Learn something new in this quiz? We bet your friends will, too.

Challenge them to take it — then head to to see more, including the President’s remarks about health care in America.

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